Miracle Called Sai Baba

Miracle Called Sai Baba

Dip into the Sai Consciousness in a few minutes and go through your day with joy.  
Miracle Called Sai Baba is revised edition of Sai Katha Sagar. 
The book has 20 chapters. Each chapter is further divided into concise teachings, leelas and experiences. Each is independent, so you can soak in the delicious Sai Nectar and move ahead with the assurance that He forever guides us. 

 Rs 450

Size of book= 5 inches width 8 inches height
No. of pages= 160


 I received this book on May 5, 2007, for which I express my humble gratitude and heartfelt thanks. This book still adorns my office table and is my instant connect with Sai Baba.
This book imbued with Sai Baba’s life, leelas and teachings has helped me experience His Divine presence every moment in my life. To me this book is my prized possession, my soul saviour, my immortal treasure. I feel it is a lucky amulet or talisman whose vibrations wards off evil forces, heals pain, suffering and protects me.
 This book will truly bring millions of thirsty and unhappy souls to the healing and happy doors of Sai Baba’s home only to be blessed by Him with eternal happiness.
 This book is a prayer, whoever reads it invites Sai to his home.

 Aditya Vikram, Kolkata

***** & ***** 

Shamshaad has very intricately and interestingly woven moments of Baba's Life. The leelas are so concise that I get the Sai Essence after reading a few pages. Reading this book has many times invoked Baba in my dreams with messages, even one that saved my life! So I read atleast a few pages every day, even if I am retiring for the day at 2 am. 

Lakshmi Mohan, Dy. Director, ITM –Chennai

***** & ***** 

We may have read or seen films on Sai Baba’s life, but there is a touch of love and reverence this book evokes, which makes the book ‘unputdownable’.

Parvez J Daruwalla, Corporate Trainer, Healer, Mumbai

***** & ***** 

I was fascinated to sip Sai Nectar written through words in this book, and could simply marvel that Baba has Guided this project throughout.

Srikanta Sharma, Team www.saiamrithadhara.com, Bangalore


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